In August 2024, Josef had an internship at MIT in Boston.
Laboratory of Membrane Separation Processes
In August 2024, Josef had an internship at MIT in Boston.
The international conference CHISA 2024 took place in Prague from 25 to 29 August. Jana Florekova presented her work during a poster session and oral presentation. Her work was highlighted with The Best Students poster award.
Jana has represented our laboratory at the SSCHE 2024 conference in Tatranských Matliaroch (Slovakia). During the event, as a result of her great work and presentation of her poster, she has received the Student Poster Award.
Being a member of LuXHyVal, Karel traveled to Bilbao, 15-16.5. 2024, to discuss the current status with other partners. As part of the project meeting, participant had an opportunity to visit the local hydrogen valley
Daniel and Josef have represented our laboratory at NAMS 2024 in Santa Fe. Daniel has received Elias Klein Travel Supplement Award and Josef has received Student Travel Supplement Award to support their participation and presentation of interesting research topics.
We have successfully installed a new addition to our equipment family. We believe that this Spinbox will enable us to widen our research possibilities.
Congratulations to Saeed, who has successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 21.12.2023. Saeed will continue in our group as the post-doctoral fellow and will contribute to a newly started project related to O2/N2 separation under prof. Karel Friess.
The chemical-engineering conference CHISA was hold from 6. to 9. November 2023 at The Conference center of Academy of Science CZ in Třešť chateau. The 3. place for the best student contribution was awarded to Laura Bábanová. Her work, Functionalized polymer membranes for pesticide degradation, was elaborated based on the cooperation with Istituto per la Tecnologia delle Membrane (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) Italy. She is a student at the Department of Chemical Engineering and her master thesis is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Jitka Čejkova and prof. Karel Friess.
A group of our PhD students (Tereza-Markéta, Josef, Dániel) successfully presented their researcher’s work at the International 2nd Conference “Membrane Materials – Modification and Separation” (2M3-S) in the Polish city of Toruń.
Students Jana Floreková, Josef Schneider and Jonatán Šercl started their Ph.D. journey within our research group.