Lab bowling afternoon

We have organized a lab bowling afternoon in Bowling Dejvice. We have accompaied by Pavel Izak from ICCP and John Jansen (ITM-CNR, Italy) and his student, who is now at UCT, Martina Reina.

EWM2017 Engineering with membranes was hold in Singapore

EWM2017 Engineering with membranes was hold in Singapore (26-28 april 2017) by Nanyang Technological University. Karel and Marek presented oral presentations focused on polyimides and graphene oxide membranes for CO2 separations. Marek also had poster presentation on PI membranes for biogas treatement.


Karel visited KAUST

Karel visited KAUST again in 20-23 February 2017. He was invited for a lecture at AMPMC KAUST research conference . Among 34 speakers from the top laboratories over the world, he presented our achievements in new mixed matrix membranes design with controlled embedding of nanoadditives. And he also met with Petr and Mirek who spent 6 months at KAUST within their study-stays.